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Jump on the Spiritual Train

Updated: Jul 8, 2020

When you come out of the spirituality closet it feels like you've been running beside a high speed train for an extended amount of time. The legs that have been carrying you this long feel heavy and sore, your shoes worn, your breath panting, and your heart is beating out of your chest. You make the choice to finally grab onto the rail and pull yourself up onto the train. Once you've jumped on the spiritual train you feel a sense of ease, excitement, and a head rush. Wait, where is this train going? How long till we get there? Can I still get off? Are there any stops along the way? Once you're on the train it would be impossible to jump off again (the good tuck and roll wouldn't work going 200 MPH). You've committed to being on this train and like it or not, you have to trust that the winding tracks will lead you to your destination. It's scary and exhilarating, confusing and clear, righteous and humbling. So what now?

Once I jumped on the spiritual train I was ready to explore the different cars. Passing through each car I learned an important aspect about myself. Think of each car as an aspect of your spiritual growth. So now that we're both on the train, let's move through the cars and deeper into our spirit.

Car #1 Inner Wisdom- Action Step: Meditate Outcome: An open 3rd Eye and new found trust in your intuition

Try a daily meditation practice that works for you. It doesn't matter how long, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 1 hour, just find stillness daily. Whether you meditate in silence, with a mantra playlist, Chakra balancing sound healing, or guided...sit with a tall spine or lay down on your back so that the energy can move from the Root Chakra to the Crown Chakra. You will go between 3 feelings during meditation- restlessness, presence, and sleepiness. The goal is to stay present. That means noticing the sensations in the body and not becoming attached to the thoughts that pass through the mind. I like to meditate first thing in the morning before picking up my phone, or right before bed. Be still and know. Once you get into this practice you will strengthen your 3rd Eye Chakra. You will start to download intuitive hits during your meditation or after. We all have an inner wisdom, some of us just keep it hidden. We all have the power to nurture and awaken it.

Car #2 Outer Wisdom- Action Step: Read and Listen Outcome: A wider perspective from ancient and modern teachings

Read books! Listen to podcasts! Watch videos! Join a course! Find a yoga teacher, spiritual guru, healer, Shaman, whoever it may be to learn from. Here are some of my favorite books that have helped me to personally grow on my spiritual journey:


The Untethered Soul- Michael Singer

A Fierce Heart- Spring Washam

Light is the New Black- Rebecca Campbell

Rise, Sister Rise- Rebecca Campbell

The Power of Now- Eckhart Toole

Eastern Body Western Mind- Anodea Judith

Untamed- Glennon Doyle

Tao Te Ching- Lao Tsu

Women Who Run with the Wolves- Clarissa Pinkola Estes

I would be honored to guide you. Ask me about my next Chakra Workshop Series if you want to dive into energy work, join one of my weekly Rise and Flow classes to explore different yogic themes, or a Build and Balance class to level up and explore new aspects of the yoga practice.

Car #3 Circle of Wisdom- Action Step: Find a Spiritual Community Outcome: Judgement free support from like minded people

Remain curious. Find a group of diverse people that are riding the same train as you...

Join a yoga studio, online or in person. If you join my online Zoom classes you will meet, practice, and have discussion with my students from around the world. We have spiritual representation from the US, Canada, Germany, Czech Republic, Costa Rica, etc. It's fun to check in and support each other at the beginning and end of class. I'd love for you to be a part of it too!

Join a group of spiritually curious friends. When my friends and I get together we give each other Tarot card and Oracle Card readings. We analyze each other's astrology charts. We discuss topics about the 5th dimension and Starseeds. We are always challenging each other's ways of thinking without being scared of judgement. Reach out if you need a friend. :)

Create a community group. If nothing exists in your area, create something! On Saturday mornings I meet with a few friends to have a coffee and do mantra chanting. Sometimes I gather with a group of friends and do a fire circle and set intentions that we burn. During the new moon you can find me and a group of people meditating as the sun rises. It doesn't have to be complex, just gather with people and set an intention.

Whether you've just jumped on the train or you've already settled comfortably- keep going. The path will have bumps, twists, turns, unexpected stops, high and low speeds. It is not about the destination, but the journey- and it is uniquely yours! Enjoy the ride.

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